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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Let the Appointments Begin

On Thursday, September 18 I had my first OB appointment (at 8 weeks pregnant).  It was definitely surreal and my stomach was in knots.  For some reason, the doctors office scheduled me for two appointments back to back.  The first was my meeting with the OB nurse, the second was my first OB physical.  This is important because the entire time I was there each person I saw questioned why I had two appointments in one day.  My response always went something like this, "Um....I don't know?! That's what the nurse on the phone did!"

I met with the OB nurse who gave me this bright pink bag that screams "I'm pregnant"!!!!  And for someone who isn't quite comfortable with that idea yet, the bag may have been a little much.  Then, I had my physical with Dr. Tinga who is crazy tall....6'8" to be exact.  All of his exams tables are lifted, and all of his doorways are custom height.

Funny story.  Maybe TMI, but you can decide.

So, you know how when you've been in a profession for a while you may forget to tell someone something because you assume it to be common knowledge.  Well the OB nurse that I first met with was older and slightly cantankerous.  As I was leaving, she handed me a urine sample cup and a wipe and told me to go pee in the cup.  No further instructions needed, right? So, I went into the bathroom and peed in the cup.  Thinking I must be Intellectually Gifted in my cup-peeing skills, I thought, "well, I didn't even need this wipe thingy because I got absolutely no pee on my cup."  Walking out head held a little higher, I passed my cup off to the lab lady.  Fast forward about 15 minutes to when they ran my urine sample and saw that I was "spilling over white blood cells".  Dr. Tinga and his nurse were in there when the report came in and he asked if I had been having any UTI like symptoms.  Nope, none!  Then the nurse chimed in, "Maybe you just didn't wipe well enough before peeing in the cup."  HAHA!!  I almost died laughing but instead held it together and said, "Yeah, I bet that's exactly what happened." WHOOPS-- so that is what the wipe was for!!

So the rest of the appointment can be summed up in- couldn't hear the heartbeat, talked to Dr. Tinga in his office, and headed on out.  And just like that I had survived my very first OB appointment :-)

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