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Sunday, August 31, 2014

An Anniversary Present Like None Other

Mom and Dad's 34th anniversary was on Saturday, August 30 so Jacob and I had planned to go up to see them on Sunday, August 31.  Little did they know what was in store for them.  We had been busy at work during the week on a DIY that I was replicating from Etsy.  To tell them the news, we created a dark stained wooden sign that read: "The best parents get promoted to grandparents."

After it was complete, I wrapped it up in paper.  Might I mention that I didn't have any normal tape, so masking tape it was!  And I didn't have enough tissue paper of one variety, so I used about 10 different kinds of tissue paper.  Then, I put it in an unwrapped Morgan Meats box and taped it with masking tape.  To say the least, this package looked slightly unloved.

We brought the box in and my Dad immediately said, "What's that for?"  I told him that we had gotten them an anniversary gift and his response was something like, "Take it back. We don't need any gifts." Let's just say I think he quickly changed his mind on that statement!  So, Mom and Dad began opening the present and I tried to discreetly take a video under the guise of taking a picture.  So, I'll let the video do the rest of the talking....

Needless to say, I was an emotional wreck. My stomach was in knots before telling them and I was SO nervous. Jacob kept saying, "Candice, you're not a 16 year old girl who has shacked up and gotten knocked up." But, as the day transitioned on, my nervous and worries began shifting towards joy and excitement. My mom confirmed that my inner most feelings were completely normal and reassured me that they would begin changing and I was going to be a natural.

I must say, that August 31 is a day that tops the charts in my life. My parents are going to be unbelievably amazing grandparents.

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