** PS- For those of you wondering, we decided to call our sweet girl "Ella Paityn", though we won't get too bent out of our frame if you call her Ella! ;)
Weight & Height: 12 lbs., 9 oz. and 23" long! 75th percentile in height and weight.
Clothes & Diapers: Bye bye newborn cloth diapers! While we only used them for about 5 weeks, they were TOTALLY worth it. When we started putting Ella Paityn in the OS (one size) cloth diapers, they seemed huge and bulky on her in comparison to the little newborns. She has outgrown most of her newborn clothes. Size 0-3 month fits her best, but she can fit in some Carter's 3 months. 3 month shorts do not fit very well over her cloth booty! I have tried a few 3-6 month outfits on her and they're a little big, but still super cute!
Eating & Sleeping: During the day Miss Piggy still eats every 3 hours, sometimes every 3.5 hrs. I'm very flexible on which side she eats from....just whatever feels right ;) If she is having a bottle, she eats between 4 to 5 oz. She's sleeping pretty well. On an average night, she will go about 5 hours before waking up to eat. Sometimes it's hard to get her back down after that...actually, she goes back to sleep just fine but starts grunting in her sleep. Napping during the day is inconsistent.
Mood: Around 5 weeks, we discovered that Ella Paityn has a dairy intolerance which was causing her to be very fussy and very congested. After going dairy-free we have seen major improvements in her mood. She does get very fussy at night between 6:30 and 8:00.
Likes: Her Dad! Jacob gets up during the night and in the morning and changes her diaper before handing her off to me to feed. She smiles and coos at him non-stop! She also loves to be snuggled and lay on your chest. If you take her outside in the evenings she instantly calms down. Bath time is another favorite around here! We may or may not have incorporated a squirt gun into our bathtime routine!
Dislikes: Unfortunately, dairy. And that is one of Mommy's favorite things in the whole wide world (think pizza, ice cream, butter, chocolate).
Milestones: First real smiles, cooing, batting at toys, tracking objects, pushing up on her forearms during tummy time, raising her head for longer periods of time. First bottle (June 12), First time in the crib- for a nap (June 12), First time meeting her Granmom (June 21), First birthday party- her cousin Ava Kate's (June 28)
Sentimental Things Mommy Wants to Remember: The sweet smiles and "talking"! Her teeny, tiny little feet and hands. The way she stretches her back and puckers her little lips after eating. The way she wraps her arms around me when she lays on my chest. How she smiles and giggles in her sleep. The way her Daddy holds and plays with her.
Practical Things Mommy Wants to Remember: Pick up as you go- the house gets cluttered quick!! And, take 20 minutes after putting baby down to do a quick pick up of the house. Rolling the windows down in the car helps with fussiness (don't ask me why?!). Pump after she eats in the morning and after she eats before bed. I am currently freezing at least 10 oz. a day.
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